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I have put in about 500 drills, games, transtion games etc. in the previous 9 Drill of the Day sections and I think it is time that other coaches contribute their ideas.

You can write the description and attack jpeg of gif files, and other picture formats that I haven't tried, with diagrams and the system also accepts pdf files. You could draw the diagrams by hand and they scan and save as a pdf etc. I am sure there are other ways to do this.

Coaches from beginner to pro visit this site so all levels are welcome.

Lets all learn from each other.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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D400 - 1-1 Battle - Crease Game

Great idea Tom - Here is a simple 1 v1 battling game that can be used when goalies are warming up at the other end, or when you don't have any. Kids love it, and it's a great way to work on good stick habits, D-side positioning, and battling for space with the puck.

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T2 - 3-2-1 goal! (4v3) (5v4)

I got inspiration from the GIT thread and tryed to modify one game from the "Transforming Play......" book.
I have not tested it in practice yet.
If you have any ideas to make it better please let us know..


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Great games Dave and Kai. Keep them coming.

Yesterday the long time captain of the Turkish National Team came as my guest. He was on the ice at our practice and then we went to an NHL game. Today he is playing hockey with e me in the morning and we have another practice. I hope to get him to an NHL practice and to watch a lot of the hockey around the city,

In our backceking D100 game last night we tried something new. Started as a 2 on 2 with 2 supporting the defense from the top of the circle. Then we added a variation. The greens sent 3-2-1 players to support from the top of the circle and the whites sent 1-2-3 players. So every rush was a different situation and the players had to read it.

Dean came to my school skills session and took a video. We played 3 different games in the last 30 minutes with the rule that everyone had to be SILENT.

Keep the drills and games coming.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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D400 - "Nowhere to Hide" 1 v 1

Another good battle game....

"Nowhere to Hide" 1 v 1:
- Net is turned to face corner w/Goalie
- Coach dumps puck in
- X1 & O1 battle 1 v 1 for short shifts
- Coach adds pucks as needed

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Here's a great little full ice transition/thinking game.

D100 - 2-2 Read and React Game

Key Points
Read and React.
Four Roles.

On whistle, four players begin skating backward as shown.
First player up boards; second player along blue line.
Coach passes to one of the four and the 2 vs 2 commences.

Receiver can choose to attack any net and players must react.
3 vs 3: Third player in each line skates forward around the centre circle


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T3 - Tarasov Bump

Simple warm-up drill / competition to work on leg strength, balance & contact...

Tarasov Bump:
- Players are grouped inside circle
- On whistle, stand on one leg and bump into one
another, trying to knock the other player off balance
- A player is "out" when their 2nd foot touches the ice
- Repeat with opposite foot

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B600 - Quick Pass Flow

Key Points

Timing. Pass to players at speed.

To begin, X1 slash skates thru N-zone, receives pass from X2 and goes length of ice for shot.
After passing, X2 receives pass from X3 and goes near net for shot.
X3 now receives appropriate pass from X4 and continues on in for shot.
X4 repeats becoming X1

Players must be alert as this moves very quickly

1. Add two passes-X2 to X4 and X4 to X3-and finish 2 vs 0

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B4-6 - Canucks D Warm-up

Canuck D Warm-Up: A good warm-up for all, works well when you have lots of players....F's work on pass reception and shooting, D transition skating and passing, goalies work on angles. Runs from both sides simultaneously.

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B4 - Defenseman Hinge Warm-up

DaveM ,
I have used your Canuck D Warm up drill before. Good on footwork and puck movement for the D.
This drill is just a variation of the drill that you posted , working on the hinge , or switching. I also like adding a one touch pass for the forwards..

- As shown in your drill both sides go at once. But the 1st pass comes from the opposite side forward ( he just passes to D.)
Forwards open face pivot (reverse pivot) facing the puck , and can one touch puck and get a return pass form the next player in his line.
Description with pdf


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T2-4 - Continuous Forecheck Breakout

A Continuous forechecking / breakout game . Works well with 3 units 5 if possible. But I also you it with on;ly 4 D and 9 forwards .( The D stay on the breakout only and forecheck with 3 forwards.)
At first it might be a little confusing , but works the forecheck against the breakout under pressure. Can be a fast pace game sometimes.

- you can set the defensive (breakout team ) deep or at the blue line to give hard pressure or passive pressure.

- One Puck.
- To start each line sets up in a zone. --
- NZ group starts by dumping the puck in one end and forechecks set out by coach or team structures.
- Breakout against forechecking pressure. Forecheckers can score . A on freeze of puck by goalie you can put in back in the corner or give the breakout team a free clear.
- the breakout team must carry the puck out over the blue line and forechecking stops.
- the breakout unit then dumps it in the opposite end and now become the forecheckers at that end.
- Plays is continuous with this format.

*At first you can signal the end of the forecheck with a coaches at the blue line whistle until they understand the flow.
Also if you have a smaller NZ you can make the forecheck stop just pass the top of the circles.

*Keep score , good breakouts against forecheck. turnovers etc. Bonus for scoring on a forecheck.
works on forechecking , breakout , D zone coverage , dump and a chase etc.


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D200 - 3 v 3 - 1 Touch Game:

- 4 coaches (or players) are jokers, always on offense for both teams
- Jokers stay outside blue lines, players in 3 v3 stay inside
- Jokers are stationary, and can hold on to the puck
- Jokers can only pass, not score
-Teams must make a 1-touch pass and 1-timer shot to score
- 4 jokers make it continuous 7 v 3

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DT100 Support-Defend-Regroup-Attack 2-2

Key Points:
When the attackers pass back hinge before passing up ice.
Pass while skating.
Follow the pass up the ice and join the attack.
Defenders should close the gap when the attackers regroup.

1. Blue 1 and 2 attack vs Red 1 and 2.
2. Red 1-2 breakout-attack vs Blue 3-4.
3. Red 1-2 regroup with red 3-4 in nzone.
4. Red 3-4 hinge and pass to red 1-2.
5. Red 1-2 continue attack vs blue 3-4.
6. Red 3-4 follow and support 1-2 from point.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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I was watching the Russian Women's National Team practice and this is a shooting drill they used.

B5 Pass and Shoot Warm-up Russian Women National Team

Key Points:
Face the puck. Shoot while skating. Follow the shot for a rebound. After shooting either screen or circle back and look for a rebound from the next shooter.

1. One leave then get a pass from two.
2. One go in and shoot-rebound.
3. Two leave and get a pass from three.
4. When all players have shot then go down the othter wing.
*Pause one second after passing so the goalie has time to get set for the next shot.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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DT100 - Continuous 2 v 2 w/Passive Support:

Here is a simple transition game to focus on forechecking habits and D moving their feet with the puck.

- Play starts with 2 v 2 at NZ
- F1 & F2 are at redline must dump puck in & forecheck
- D1 & D2 can pass to eachother behind the net, but must carry the puck from goal line to top of circles before passing to support players who wait passively in NZ.
- Next D wait at redline to defend in opposite direction. They back up and retrieve puck AFTER it's dumped. No cheating!

- Stick on the ice, stick on the puck, feet moving
- Read & react! Execute whatever your forecheck strategy is with intensity

- Shoulder check & keep your feet moving
- Use each other behind the net (reverse, over etc)
- Beat the first forechecker if you can

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B600 - Random Regroup

Key Points
Pass Ready.
Keep skating (passer must find you at speed)

A 2 vs 0 Regroup and Attack drill.
1. BLACK: F's cross and drop to start.
2. RED: F's Regroup on O's
3. Blue/Green: Some passing options.
4. O's begin from other end.

5. Purple: Add a Defenceman - with rule that he must receive second or third pass.
6. Add to 5. that O's start with pass to D (who has jumped out)instead of cross and drop.
7. 2 vs 1: D gaps up to play rush. Not Shown.
8. 3 vs 0/1: Whichever F receives first pass, makes pass then joins play.

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Finland IIHF World Jr. Team Practice

Last night we hooked up with the coaches of Finland at the Flames-Red Wings game. I have worked with Kalle Kaskinen an assistant coach and Raimo Helminen the head coach was one of my assistants along with Jirki Lumme and Teppo Numminen in 1995 when I was the head instructor of the Finnish association hockey school in Vierumaki. We met after the first period in the restaurant and sat there and watched the second period together on a TV.

They had their last practice before leaving to play in their group in Edmonton starting Dec. 26. I went with my son Jim to watch and took about 30 minutes of video at the practice. The video is in the files section.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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B6-600 Flow - Breakout 2 F Shoot - D Point Shot - Finland U20

Key Points:
Pass hard, keep skating all the time. Pass and follow the pass. Screen, rebound.


This happens the same time from each end.

1 - D1 pass behind to D2.
2 - F1 get breakout pass from D2.
3 - F1 skate to big ice and pass to F2.
4 - F2 drop pass to F1 who attacks and shoot
5 - D1 pass to D2.
6 - D2 pass to F2 who skated around circle.
7 - F2 attack and shoot..
8 - D2 follow attack and get a pass from F1.
9 - D2 take a point shot and F2 while F1 move in for a shot pass and rebound.



'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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