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There was a big debate in Calgary about keeping Hitting in Pee Wee - U13 hockey. First it was out, then parents demanded it be back in.

Brad McCrimmon gave the best presentation on checking that I have seen and he emphasized


If coaches teach this then the sticks are automatically down.

If the rules were modified that the stick must be on the ice attempting to play the puck.

If the points above were implemented then we would get two results.

1 - Players would automatically create proper checking angles; so we would be teaching proper technique.

2 - Hits to the head with the stick or elbow would be eliminated.

3 - The game would be much safer.

In U11 hockey and below the rule should be that you must have the stick on the puck when checking.

Introduce hitting in Pee Wee U13 and allow body checking with ONE STRIDE and the 'Stick on the Puck.'

Starting in Bantam U15 allow Two Steps and 'Stick on the Puck.'

Call it the 'Brad McCrimmon Rule' in memory of this great player.

Instead of wringing our hands and panicking about 'lack of respect' we need to modify the rules in order to create a safer playing environment and also teach proper checking technique.

Comments are more than welcome.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3493
Location: Calgary, Canada
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I have been surprised that this thread has no replies because the subject creates so much passion on both sides here in Calgary and I imagine all over the hockey world.

Last week the Canadian Pediatricians Association made a recommendation is that there be no bodychecking until 14. This makes sense as the size difference evens out more by then and most players have started puberty. It causes an organizatinal problem because Pee Wee hockey is 11-12 here and Bantam is 13-14. So it would start the second year of Bantam.

I really think that neck strengthening exercises should be a vital part of every teams training. My asst. coach has trained my team in various isometric and isotonic neck exercises they can do using resistance from their hands. He was a Bobsleigh athlete and they have their head being flung back and forth and banged when they have a spill. Boxers work on their necks so they won't get knocked out. You have to stabilize the whiplash movement of the head. The heavy helmets with metal facemasks have added weight that the neck has to support. They protect the head from sticks and pucks but don't stop the brain from moving back and forth against the skull when it whiplashes.

While on the topic I also think that players need to learn how to fall so that they don't allow the back of the head to smash against the ice. They have to keep the head up and don't just let it go. I think they rely on the helmet to protect them but it doesn't prevent the concussion of the brain moving inside the skull.

I still recommend the previous posting thoughts on how to teach body checking and enforcing the body and body and stick on the puck technique.

1. Practice how to fall safely.

2. Strengthen the neck muscles.

3. Introduce checking in stages and call penalties when it is not done.

a. Young players must have the stick on the puck and can angle a player.
b. Stick on the puck and body on body with one step hitting from U14 to U15.
c. Body on body and stick on the puck and two stride technique required after U 16 and up. (it is the way players should hit anyway and if you watch the NHL it is the way THEY hit; they don't run around head hunting like in youth hockey)

To simply say NO HITTING UNTIL BANTAM (u14) only postponed the injuries that will happen unless Proper Technique is enforced.[ (if it is called by the refs then even the crazy coaches will have to teach proper technique if they want to win. And crazy coach Love to win.)

Now I am going to play hockey with a bunch of guys who played NHL, AHL, Sr. A etc. and they share my views because they are still playing the Game they Love. Lets make it safe for the kid's to go play the game they love.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3493
Location: Calgary, Canada
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