B5 Regroup - Attack 2-0 - Cycle - Pass to Point - Screen - Finnish U17
B5 Regroup - Attack 2-0 - Cycle - Pass to Point - Screen - Finnish U17
Key Points:
Face the puck, gain the big ice and pass wide. Follow the shot for a rebound. Hit the net and attack with speed.
Part A
1. F1 and F2 leave from middle circle and regroup with D1.
2. F1 and F2 attack and shoot at far end D1 follow the play.
3. Forwards follow for a rebound.
Part B
4. F1 get a new puck in the corner and cycle it back to F2 and go to the net.
5. F2 pass to D1 at the point and go to the net.
6. D1 skate inside the slot and shoot.
*Either forward can get the puck first. First forward screen and second skate for a shot pass.
Option is forwards cycle and attack once then cycle and pass to the point.